version 4.3.7 SkyWood (16th Aptil 2014) BUG FIX Doubble start of Pan Zoom Effect after Slide Change has been fixed. ########################################################################################## version 4.3.6 SkyWood (16th Aptil 2014) CHANGES Ken Burns and Pan Zoom Effect Engine Change. Animation based on Img rotations and Zooms, Transitions instead of Background animation. Due this change the Aniamtions become really Smooth and Clean. ########################################################################################## Version 4.3.5 SkyWood (09th April 2014) BUGFIXES Fixed Click and Taps bugs on Elements in Slider viewing Slider in Mobile Devices Fixed Positions of Videos after leaving Fullscreen Video Playback Fixed Element Transitions by clicking Next/previous Slider before Elements has been shown. Currently Not Visible Elements will not show up suddenly any more ########################################################################################## Version 4.3.4 SkyWood (07th April 2014) CHANGES Added Swipe Up & Down to scroll below or above the slider on Mobile Devices ########################################################################################## Version 4.3.2 SkyWood (25th March 2014) NEW FEATURES Added Option keyboardNavigation to allow Navigation with left/right arrows CHANGES Removed video-js plugin and added Browser Native HTML5 Video Player BUGFIXES Fixed HTML5 Video Loading issues Fixed Android Device Swipe Feature ########################################################################################## Version 4.3.1 SkyWood (21th March 2014) CHANGES Updated Documentation and Added New Function to Caption Editor which allows you to create also Splitted Animation Examples with the Editor ########################################################################################## Version 4.3.0 SkyWood (18th March 2014) BUGFIXES Fixed Slider Loading Issue if Touch Option set to Disabled ########################################################################################## Version 4.2.7 SkyWood (18th March 2014) NEW FEATURES Added Options like Swipe Velocity, Swipe Min/Max Touches Added Drag Block Vertical option to prevent verticall scroll if needed. Default (false) BUGFIXES BugFix for FireFox Timer Line - Visibilty of Timer was ignored in Firefox and IE BugFix for checking for new updates BugFix for event manager, dates will now be correctly translated if they are not english ########################################################################################## Version 4.2.6 SkyWood (17th March 2014) NEW FEATURES New Slider Setting option: Hide Mobile Nav After in Mobile Visibility Tab (hideNavDelayOnMobile) default is hideNavDelayOnMobile:1500 to hide on Mobile automatically the navigation elements CHANGES Calculation of forceFullScreenAlign Positions. Resized Positions are More exact Added Hide Slider under "window width" for all type of Slider Layouts. Slider is stopped / started depends on the Window size also BUGFIXES YouTube iOS Fix for Replaying videos on 2nd Call StopOnHover set to 1 Bug has been fixed ########################################################################################## Version 4.2.5 SkyWood (12th March 2014) BUGFIXES Slide Link zIndex issues and Slide Link Resizing issues fixed Individual Slide Timer has been fixed. Broken since version 4.2.4 ########################################################################################## Version 4.2.4 SkyWood (10th March 2014) CHANGES Improved Plugin Processes, Removed Script Intervals and Timers for Better CPU Management (30-50% less CPU Usage) ########################################################################################## Version 4.2.2 SkyWood (28th February 2014) BUGFIXES Fixed HTML5 Video Js Load sequence. If plugin loaded later then Meta, event triggering will not work. ########################################################################################## Version 4.2.1 SkyWood (27th February 2014) BUGFIXES Fixed YouTube Api, changed youtube api load to permanent Https Fixed HTML5 Video Preload. A Waiting process added for Video JS and Stream preloads Fixed Vimeo API Preloads Fixed "Unclickable" Notice for Auto Updates and Premium Support ########################################################################################## Version 4.2 SkyWood (25th February 2014) NEW FEATURES Added Char, Word and Line Based Text animation to improve the Visual Experience on the Layer Animations Added 5 Different Loader Spinner with Live Preview Selector Added multilevel animations CHANGES Improved Loading Speed. Slider loads over 1-2 sec quicker than before. Improved Lazy Loading, to load Images and Layer images on demand. Intelligent Preloading of next slide Elements. Auto Thumbnail Function, small copy of Slider Image, or Colorer BG used as Default. BUGFIXES Fixed YouTube Api Fixed Overlapping layers if Mixed Align Mode used in Slide Fixed Pause/Resume function if Navigation elements has been hovered. Fixed Custom Animation Settings ########################################################################################## version 4.1.2: - Bug Fix: Http / Https loading of API’S in the right format depending on the current URL - Bug Fix: Issue solved with the HTML5 Video Sizing - Big Fix: YOuTube Api does not work without the origin=http://yourdomain any more !! ########################################################################################## version 4.1: - Feature: New API Method: rev redraw for Redrawing the current Slide in case, slider is included some animated container. - Bug fix: Fixed FF and IE10 Animation issues - Bug fix: Fixed Wrong calculated Center positions if Caption has CSS3 Animations associated version 4.1: - Introducing: Ken Burns Effect, with start and end parameters like, align, zoom, speed, easing. - Introducing: HTML5 Full Covered Video Background - Introducing: New Dotted Layouts for Background and HTML5 Video Elements (twoxtwo, threexthree, twoxtwowhite, threexthreewhite) - Bug fix: IE8 FullScreen Images, and Aligned Images fixed due Image instead of Background Image - Bug fix: Animation issues by out animations - Added data-volume="mute" for html5, youtube and vimeo videos - Added data-forcerewind to rewind videos every time Slide is activated ########################################################################################## version 4.0.6: - Bug fix: Force Fullwidth Offsets - Bug fix: Added FF Protection for 3d Animated Elements - Bug fix: Update GreenSock Engine with Protection for FF25 Aniamtions - Bug fix: IE8 HALO Effect Solved ########################################################################################## version 4.0.5 (08.11.2013) - Thumbnail Issues Fixed,l if more than 25 slides added to Slider version 4.0 (04.11.2013) - New Engine for Transitions and Caption Animations via GreenSock - Introducing Main Image Manipulation like - background repeat, repeat-x, repeat-y, no-repeat - background position: %,% or via aligns like left,top / center,center /right,bottom (left,center,right and (top,center,bottom) - background sizing: cover, contain and normal - Introducing new Flat transitions (over 40+) - Introducing new customin and customout Caption Animations - Introducing force fullwidth option, to break boxed containers also - Introducing FullScreen Offset Containers (unlimited list of COntainers which reduce Fullscreen height of Container Dynamically) - Introducing Skew Animations on Captions - Introducing AutoHeight to Increate height of Container linear, no max-height any more - Added new Styles for Captions - Introducing Hide Thumbs on Mobile, Hide Bullets on Mobile, Hide Arrows On Mobile and hide Thumbs Under Resolution options - Linear Downscaling of Thumbnails on Mobile view in case its needed - New Live Guide Documentation - Added New Custom Caption Creator - Added New Live Main Slide Creator (returns li with transition, slots and speed) - Added Video Thumbnails - Fixed some IE8 Bugs - Fixed some IE10 Bugs - Modificated Video Handling ########################################################################################## version 3.0.8 (06.08.2013) - bug fix: fullwidth image scaling issue has been fixed by Lazy Loading - bug fix: Papercut transition failure has been fixed. ########################################################################################## version 3.0.5 (01.07.2013) - change: fullscreen video is playing now in full Slider. - change: Playing video only stops the current slider, no influence on other slider ########################################################################################## version 3.0.4 (26.06.2013) -bug fix: Video Does not Auto Start after 2nd Loop. ########################################################################################## version 3.0.2 (25.06.2013) - cahnge: fullwidth Video goes in real Fullwidth also at FullWidth (AutoResponse Sliders) version 3.0 (16.06.2013) - Change: Merged tools and plugin js files in one file. No need to load both any more ! - Change: Changed name of "large" button to "default" in setting.css file - Feature: jQuery 2.0 and 1.10 Support - Added: Examples like LazyLoad, Aligns, Fullscreen, Fullscreen-with-offsets, html5,vimeo and youtube videos - Feature: HTML5 Video (videoJS) and added data- options like - data-autoplay="true", - data-nextslideatend="true"/"false", - option added to laod the HTML5 js files via videoJsPath:"rs-plugin/videojs/" - Feature: Shadow now available also in fullwidth mode. - Feature: Navigation Position Anywhere also in FullWidht Mode, even outside the Container - Feature: Lazy Loading function (see Example Lazy Load) - Feature: Horizontal and Vertical Aligns (top,center,bottom, left,center,right) for Captions - Feature: Horizontal and Vertical Offsets for Aligns ( Only works with Aligns together voffset and hoffset) - Feature: FullScreen function (option fullScreen:"on" / "off") - Feature: Fullscreen Offset Container (option fullScreenOffsetContainer:"#header") i.e. the height of fullscreen slider will be decreased with the height of the #header to fit perfect in the screen !) - Feature: Function to use more then one Transition type per slide (use transition="fade,slide,paper-cut"). In every new loop the next transition typ will be picked. Once the last transition typ reached, it starts the first again - Feature: New function to "scroll page under" a, Use the "tp-scrollbelowslider" class for inside captions with the data-scrolloffset="xx" data field, to increase/decrease the offset position where to scroll b, Use the API revscroll(offset) for external scroll function - Feature: Function to resize rekursive all Element inside the caption containers. Add class tp-resizeme to the container inside the tp-caption and every item within (included the same container) will be responsive resized. Only needed if more than one depth exist in the container ! - Feature: Function to create "corners" on the captions. Use within the caption simple the
containers - Feature: Changed Caption Animation from jQuery animation against CSS Animations. Imrpoved speed and techink. - New Documentation, With updated data- values - bug fix: Fixed Transition issues with timing and layout. Fullwidth transitions are going to stay in box, and timed well - bug fix: when only one slide exist, and randomrotate animation spped is larger then in animation it broke the caption. Fix is added now. - bug fix: Issues at resizing the containers, where captions moved out of the Container version 2.3.9 & 2.3.91 ---------------------- - bug fix: more then one Slider on the same page influence the Caption Behaviour. Issue is fixed in this release. - bug fix: safary browser on pc failure on a slider with links. version 2.3.8 ---------------------- - Added new Function: setting data-x and data-y at simple caption to "center" it will position in each resolution the content of that caption to vertical and/or horizontal to the center - bug fix: Fullwidth Banner Horizontal Position Failure at aspect ration 1:1 to image ratio has been fixed. version 2.3.7 ---------------------- - bug fix: fixed IE10 Crash with some Transition version 2.3.6 ---------------------- - bug fix: fixed bug with the deeplink version 2.3.5 ---------------------- -feature: deeplink available. i.e. http:/ will link to slide 1. http:/ to slide 3 etc... http:/ will link always to the last slide. -bug fix: Loop,amount of loop, and stop at slide was not working well. Issue is fixed in this verison. -bug fix: fixed fullwidthcentering version 2.3 ---------------------- - Added new Function: First start transition per slide can be different than the transitions on the same slide in the following loops. use data-fstransition, data-fsmasterspeed and data-fsslotamount for this. - Added new function: new option to start with a different slide at loading option -> startWithSlide: 0-x - Added new function: style="background-color:#hex" in img section will allow you to color the background of the slide. Use transparent.png files next to the colored bg. - changed one value in option navigationArrows // nexttobullets, solo (old name verticalcentered), none - Old name still working for backwards compatibility - added new options: navigationHAlign:"center" // left,center,right - Horizontal Align of Bullets / Thumbnails navigationVAlign:"top" // top,center,bottom - Vertical Align of Bullets / Thumbnails navigationHOffset:0, // -600 to 600 - Offset from current Horizontal position of Bullets / Thumbnails negative and positive direction navigationVOffset:20, // -600 to 600 - Offset from current Vertical position of Bullets / Thumbnails negative and positive direction soloArrowLeftHalign:"left" // left,center,right - Horizontal Align of left Arrow (only if arrow is not next to bullets) soloArrowLeftValign:"center" // top,center,bottom - Vertical Align of left Arrow (only if arrow is not next to bullets) soloArrowLeftHOffset:20, // -600 to 600 - Offset from current Horizontal position of of left Arrow negative and positive direction soloArrowLeftVOffset:0, // -600 to 600 - Offset from current Vertical position of of left Arrow negative and positive direction soloArrowRightHalign:"right" // left,center,right - Horizontal Align of right Arrow (only if arrow is not next to bullets) soloArrowRightValign:"center" // top,center,bottom - Vertical Align of right Arrow (only if arrow is not next to bullets) soloArrowRightHOffset:20 // -600 to 600 - Offset from current Horizontal position of right Arrow negative and positive direction soloArrowRightVOffset:0 // -600 to 600 - Offset from current Vertical position of right Arrow negative and positive direction version 2.2.4 ---------------------- - Bug Fixed: IE9 Odd Rotation effect at animating the slides. Issue is resolved in this version version 2.2.3 ---------------------- - Bug Fixed: IE8 Caption does not disappear at fadeout changed. IE8 Filter added again, some cases it can add an odd halo effect at animationg the png images. version 2.2.2 ---------------------- - Added Features: Event like onbeforeswap, onafterswap and onloaded can be used now. (See our example 04 for more details). version 2.2.1 ---------------------- - Bug Fixed: FF Bug with YT Player has been fixed in this Version. version 2.2.0 ---------------------- - Support for jQuery 1.9.0 has been added version 2.1.8 ---------------------- - bug fix: fade effect in IE8 was not animated since ie8 needs static position instead of relative or absolute by fading - added new api features like revlastslide, revcurrentslide version 2.1.7 ---------------------- - Bug Fix: Loading of Content was visible during the Loading sequenze - Added new function to remove event listenres, and timeouts in case markup has been removed. - Added new parameter: data-slideindex front/back (set via slide